Latin America
National Missionary Partners
Support for National Missionary Partners
Donations to this fund support the work of all the National Missionary Partners in Latin America on an “as needed” basis. Each workshop taught by a National Missionary Partner costs $300-$500, which is about one third of the cost to send an Instructor from the U.S.
What is a National Missionary Partner and what do they do?
A National Missionary Partner is an indigenous pastor who has always lived in Latin America, who has completed the series of four Timothy Two workshops, and who is then sent to other towns and cities in his own nation to teach those workshops to other groups of pastors. We call them “national” missionaries because they serve among their own people. We call them missionary “partners” because they extend our ability to reach other pastors within each nation through their network of pastoral contacts in other cities.
EASTERN CUBA. Leo Padrino and Esdras Richardson hosted two complete workshops in their home in Havana in 2017 and 2018. In 2019, they began teaching workshops in eastern Cuba where Esdras grew up.
CHILE & EL SALVADOR. Helmuth Aguilar grew up and attended seminary in Chile, and he is now living in El Salvador. He is prepared to teach three series of workshops in three different cities in Chile as soon as funds are available. And he is preparing to teach workshops in other cities in El Salvador.
NICARAGUA. Leonel De La Rosa currently lives in Belize, Central America. But he has contacts in nearby Nicaragua who desire to take the workshops.
PERU. Reynaldo Rubio lives in Lima, but he also does ministry with churches in the mountainous jungle region near the source of the Amazon River. He is prepared to begin teaching workshops there when funds come available.
HAITI. Lucien Joseph lives in the southern city of Jacmel. He hopes to teach workshops in the cities along the southern coast and in the western mountains.
CENTRAL CUBA. Ariandys Aguiar pastors an active church in south central Cuba. He hopes to teach workshops throughout all of central Cuba as funds are available.
The advantages of National Missionary Partners
There are three definite advantages to having National Missionary Partners work with us: 1) their travel expenses are lower than ours because they are able to use local means of transportation instead of flying; 2) there is no need or expense for an interpreter because they already speak the local language; and, 3) they are already familiar with the people and their culture so that the teaching is properly contextualized.
“And they sang a new song, saying, ‘Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.”‘ (Revelation 5:9-10)