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The Timothy Two Family Fund

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Timothy Two presently has projects underway or in development in 65 nations around the world. In each of these, we have dear friends and partners in the ministry who face significant trials associated with poverty or persecution. Yet, these precious people press on in their love for Jesus and their commitment to trust Him and to obey Him. 

The Timothy Two "Family Fund" was established to meet the urgent, material needs of these co-laborers in the gospel.

Please consider a gift to allow us to offer aid in the midst of this crisis.

Scenes from persecution in Pakistan in recent months, as the homes of many Christians were burned

©2022 by Timothy Two Project International. 
In compliance with IRS regulations regarding non-profit organizations designated as 501(c)(3), all contributions are solicited with the understanding that Timothy Two has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.

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