Support a Missionary or Project
To support a particular Timothy Two missionary or project, begin typing the missionary's first or last name - or the country/project name - in this box:
As Needed
All projects and missionaries
You may also mail your tax-deductible gift to:
Timothy Two Project International
PO Box 7889, Wilmington, NC 28406
(Add your preferred missionary or project on the memo line)
As Needed
Donate to the fund for

Timothy Two presently has projects underway or in development in over 65 nations. To donate to the general fund, where your gift will be used according to the greatest need, click the button above. Otherwise, please enter details regarding your desired designation in the box at the top of the page.
In compliance with IRS regulations regarding non-profit organizations designated as 501(c)(3), all contributions are solicited with the understanding that Timothy Two has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.