Pray for Timothy Two
We covet the prayers of God's people! Read on to learn how (and why!) to pray for us, and then fill in your information below to let us know that you are partnering with us in prayer. We are so grateful!
"God called and ordained you to pray for and support missions in the same way he called [our] missionaries to go. [We] are a team. Act like it. Pray for individual missionaries and missionary teams. Pray for specific people groups and for [the Timothy Two missionaries who serve among them]. Pray for more supporters of missions and for future missionaries to be raised up. Pray [that we] have boldness, protection, good health, love for God, opportunities, grace, humbleness, mercy, wisdom, a healthy family, opportunities, joy, peace, and resources.
"Those who are called to pray provide the fuel on the bonfire that is lit by those who are called to go and make disciples. A lack of prayer for missions shows either of wavering belief in the sovereignty of God or lack of understanding of the importance God places on the Great Commission. Martyn Lloyd-Jones said, “Prayer, in many ways, is the supreme expression of our faith in God.” You may not be called to go, but you are certainly called to pray for or support God’s Great Commission. Every Christian is a participant."
Adapted from this post from Mike Pettengill