Dear friends and partners in ministry,
As we wrap up 2023 with a celebration of the glorious Incarnation of our Savior, we wanted to let you know that Alere, the year-end magazine of Timothy Two is now available to read online or download! Just click on the cover below to read all about how God is using this ministry to equip the global church for His glory.
As always, we are inexpressibly grateful for the way in which the Lord provides for the work of this ministry – through people just like you! If you would like to give a tax-deductible donation before the end of the year, you can donate online here or you mail your check, postmarked by 31 December, to:
Timothy Two Project International
PO Box 7889
Wilmington, NC 28406
Remember to write “Curtis” on the memo line
Finally, we do pray that your joy was full this Christmas – despite all of the challenges and trials of life in this fallen world – because the Lord has come! And He will come again! And, beloved, knowing that should cause our lives to be full of hope and, yes, joy! So, let us enter 2024 in eager anticipation of that glorious event, while laboring faithfully for the cause of the One who sends us in the mission fields of the world.
In His love,
Steve, with Rissa, Judson, and Timmy