Knowing God: His Divine Attributes (Theology Proper). God is Trinity, self-existent, infinite, eternal, unchanging, self-sufficient, all-powerful, all-knowing, all-present, great, sovereign, all-wise, good, loving, gracious, jealous, just, true and holy.
Loving God: Transformed from Darkness to Light (Anthropology, Christology, Soteriology, Pneumatology). The doctrine of man, sin and depravity. The doctrine of Christ: Jesus as the God-man, his state of humiliation, his state of exaltation, his role as Prophet, as Priest, as King and his atonement. Soteriology and pneumatology: election, effective calling, regeneration, repentance, faith, justification, adoption, baptism of the Spirit, sanctification, perseverance and glorification.
Trusting God: Practicing Kingdom Living in Relationships, Social Issues and Personal Issues (Practical Theology 1). What the Bible says about husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, children, friends, church, the world, government authority, divorce, sexual sin, homosexuality, abortion, work, money, oaths and vows, fear, sickness, grief, suicide and death.
Serving God: Serving in the Church, the Community and the World (Practical Theology 2). Serving God as a pastor, elder, deacon, teacher, in cell groups, men’s ministries, women’s ministries, youth ministries, children’s ministries, through worship, hospitality, giving, by meeting material needs of others, promoting justice, working unto the Lord, living as “salt and light,” through prayer, through humility, by sending missionaries, by going as missionaries, discerning your call to serve.